To save you time while blending, diluting and diffusing essential oils, we created this quick-tips print-out. It's basically a crash course in EOs. Click the link below, print the PDF and slip it into the pocket of your Essential Oil Bag, post it to a wall in your home or simply save the file to your desktop.
Essential Oil Essentials includes:
1. How to Dilute
2. Diluting for Kids
3. Ways to Diffuse Essential Oils
4. How to Blend Therapeutically
5. How to Blend Aromatically
View and Download Here
About the Author, Jenna Jones
Jenna Jones is the Chief Marketing Officer of Edens Garden. Jenna’s background in journalism led her to investigate the world of essential oils, and what she discovered inspired her. She joined the team in 2016, spurring Edens Garden into a leading source for aromatherapy education.

This article was reviewed by our Lead Aromatherapist,
Bella Martinez is a Certified Aromatherapist, Natural Skincare Formulator and Edens Garden’s lead aromatherapist. An industry expert, Bella has spent years training and learning in the aromatherapy field, which she continues annually. Her passion is taking evidence-based aromatherapy and making it approachable for all.

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