Should You Combine Essential Oil Blends?

by Bella Martinez June 29, 2017

Should You Combine Essential Oil Blends?

In today’s busy world, most people want to be as productive as possible. If you could do a week’s worth of work in one day, you would. It’s no wonder why the question, “Can multiple synergy blends be combined to obtain more than one benefit” is constantly popping up. Can you kill two birds with one stone by combining synergy blends?

Back in high school, kids used to go to a fast-food restaurant, combine every soda and drink it. The result was a nauseatingly, saccharine conglomeration. Do kids still do this, and why? Combining multiple synergy blends is somewhat similar.

Each synergy blend is created with a specific purpose in mind. Combining multiple synergy blends with four or more essential oils each throws off the original purpose. An example is combining a synergy blend like Deep Breath with Be Still. If you were to combine these blends, it would most likely be because you want to support the respiratory system and also relax.

Since Deep Breath contains many stimulating oils, combining it with Be Still would likely create an unwanted effect. Adding Be Still to Deep Breath would also dilute oils that were meant to support the respiratory system. The result of combining two synergy blends together might also produce an undesirable aroma as each blend is intended to be aromatically satisfying and highly therapeutic.

How does one obtain the benefits of multiple synergy blends in one day? Edens Garden recommends using synergy blends intermittently. Add a blend to the Thera Lux for 30 minutes, turn it off for a couple of hours, then pop in a new blend. Keep different personal inhalers on hand and use one for a couple of hours before switching to a new one. The goal is to not overwhelm the system but to give your body time to take in the goodness of each carefully crafted synergy blend.   

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